Joni helped define the Woodstock generation; though she herself did not attend. She watched the festivities at Yasgur's farm and wrote the seminal "Woodstock", while crying. She also had more than her fair share of lovers, not content to hang in the wings waiting for some guy to pick her up and take her home. She had a home. She was the OG lady of the Canyon.
And her inimitable style, now so associated with easy breezy L.A., includes dazzling djellaba's with embroidery to spare, dark velvet dresses with princess sleeves, silver and Native American belts and jewelry, metallic hand detailing, mod shifts, cape wraps, and a few pant suits that I'm sure even Yves Saint Laurent would give the ole thumbs up.
So, we picked both vintage and modern pieces that reminded us of the seminal songwriter/singer/painter, from the empire-waisted confection courtesy of Thea Porter to the metallic embroidered Dries Van Noten top. now, All ya'll need to do is break out the flat iron and turquoise rings, and you're golden.