I love seeing how the editrixes and walking hangers of the world put their pieces together. I love catching a new skirt length, a vintage find, a lace veil, Prada creepers with a little schoolgirl frock, embroidered denim, battered Birkins, underwear-as-outerwear, black must-have moto jackets, Pendleton blankets as cloaks, wild-style prints, Air Walks kicking it with Kirkwoods, girl's with striped ties, boys with striped ties, and all the ifs, ands and buts (literally) in between. If you ask me, the streets are always the spot to clock what's about to happen and if you're going to go on-trend, it's always better to get the first than be the last one at the party, slightly drunk and swaying in the corner to the bleeps and beats of Giorgio Moroder.
So, while looking at Tommy Ton's latest pics for style.com, I couldn't help but notice all my favorite picks were pale beauties: pastel pinks, creams and ivories, sky blues, slate greys, lemon chiffons, mints and lilacs. Going pale is a definite statement-maker, though what you're getting at is subtle nod to the future that's modern and pretty at the same time. You can go monochromatic when it comes to pale colors or throw on a peony flowing skirt with a slashed and burned charcoal tee for a mix and match point.
Personally, I spent the majority of my weekend pulling creamy cable knits crew sweaters, pink ballerina inspired dresses, ice blue button downs, bone colored denim, and banana colored tee out of the depths of my closet to make sure they now hang front and center. Then, I continued my whirlwind excavation here at Decades headquarters, where I pulled my favorite pale pieces for you to enjoy.
Spring is here, the sun is out and about, so why not pull on an icy boucle Chanel® or carry a vintage Germaine Guerin or think pink and go vintage Galanos for your next night out with the girls? Me, I'll be the one in the ivory vintage Galanos gown. Sigh.
Dear Santa, do you make shimmy down chimneys in March? Might be easier on the reindeer. I'm just saying . . .
Get your hands on the perfect pale pieces by clicking here!