Everywoman wants a Chanel bag. From the simple 2.55 to the new Maxi, the quilted Chanel bag with a chain strap is the one designer bag that never, ever goes out of style. Everyone has tried to imitate it or fake it, but there is something so chic and cool about a simple Chanel bag that can not be duplicated. If you don't have a Chanel bag yet, get your own favorite from this new bunch. Perfect way to start your collection.
1. Chanel quilted leather shoulder bag in black, c.1980's.
9 x 11 x 3 SOLD
2. Chanel quilted leather shoulder bag in white, c.1970's. SOLD
7.5 x 9.5 x 2.5
3. Chanel quilted leather shoulder bag in brown, c.1970's.
8.5 x 11 x 3
4. Chanel quilted leather shoulder bag in black, c.1980's. SOLD
5 x 8.5 x 2.5
5. Chanel quilted leather stitched "CC" shoulder bag in black, c. 1980's. SOLD
7 x 9 x 2.5
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